an innovative approach to showcasing talent to an innovative company

CALL IT an extensive z-card, a custom portfolio, a slow application, a demo tape, an exhibition, a theatrical showpiece, a thesis of sorts, or a memoir.

With this, let me take you on a journey of uncovering my talent, craft, attention to detail, the ability to design, to curate, and to tell a story through a visual expose of food, art and design, well, pure magic... Such as the brand, JAN.

An institution such as The JAN Group deserves a talent submission that has been masterfully crafted. Nothing less, only more. Not just a curriculum vitae, some portfolio photos and a well-written cover letter, but rather an innovative, created-with-intent design marvel; at the calibre that JAN operates.

This is a small effort of that.


here we go; an innovative application

will i make the cut?

let's find out.